23 March 2007

As Seen on Overheard Everywhere

Welcome Overheard Everywhere readers!

This morning, I got an email from Morgan Friedman, the guy behind Overheard in New York, and co-author of Overheard in New York (the book), alerting me that a quote from this site would be published on Overheard Everywhere - a blog that aggregates quotes from other Overheard blogs.

From: (Morgan Friedman)
Subject: Your Overheard Everywhere quote
will be published today

Hi ,

The quote you submitted to Overheard Everywhere
will be published today. Look for it on the site!

Thanks for eavesdropping! Let me know if you
overhear anything else funny, or if you have
any questions.

Morgan (and the rest of Team Overheard)

The quote they chose (I didn't actually submit it - one of their scouts must have found it) was published just moments ago (original post: "skunk nipples"). Thanks, Morgan and the rest of the Overheard crew!

Again, keep your ears open, and keep the submissions coming!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

congrats =)