o rly?
Crazy man at the bus stop in front of the Union: "I'm a nazi for sex,
ya fuckin' sluts."
overheard by gen & chantel.
The best conversation snippets heard in A2, from campus to Kerrytown.
In light of some increased exposure, I've revived the site a bit. I finally spent some time upgrading the template to the new Blogger platform, and along with that, made a few additions:
Text Message Submissions
I'm really excited about this. Once you get to a computer, it's not always easy to remember what you heard, as you heard it. It is easy though to get out your cell phone, and send a text message. Add overheardina2@gmail.com to your address book in your phone and anytime you hear something funny on the street or on campus, send us a text.
Official Eavesdroppers
We're looking for more people with open ears to scout out more of the best conversations around town. If you're interested, inquire within: overheardina2@gmail.com.
Privacy Policy
I've added a privacy policy stating what we do with information submitted to us. You can read the full blurb at the right, but basically, we're not going to do anything with your personal information, if we receive it. If you'd like credit back to your site, include the address, otherwise, only first names will be posted. If you'd prefer to remain anonymous, please specify as such.
We're looking forward to hearing more of the absurdity of Ann Arbor, so keep listening and sending stuff in!
Posted by
William Couch
1:05 PM
Overheard Everywhere has pulled another entry from us.
Kristina, one of the moderators for the site, emailed me yesterday noting that they'll continue to peruse this site for entertaining quotes.
I'll post a short entry each time one is added. Otherwise, you can find a running archive of all that have been featured via the link on the right under As Seen On > Overheard Everywhere.
Posted by
William Couch
1:00 PM
at the Pita Kabob Grill:
girl 1: . . . so i've just been skating on my own now.
girl 2: oh, do you have a coach?
girl 1: like the purse?
girl 2: no . . .
overheard by rachel.
Posted by
William Couch
12:54 PM
First day of the semester:
Professor: "So the course pack can be purchased at Excel, you know that one on... that street, in the small building across from the bigger building."
Class: [awkward silence]
Professor: And the books are all on sale at Shaman Drum, you know, the one on... that street... between the... one place... and the other one... and across from that one thing...
Class: [wild laughter]
overheard by whitney.
Posted by
William Couch
12:53 PM
at the Grad library.
American Supervisor: "You should get Lisa to come explain that to you.'"
Swedish Supervisor: "I guess so, the cat is already half out of the bag!"
Posted by
William Couch
12:51 PM
In Encore Records - two female U of M students in the "R" section of the used CD's.
Female 1: "The Ramones?!? I've never really listened to them. Are they any good?"
Female 2: "Oh yeah, I listen to them all the time when I'm using my vibrator!"
At this point they notice me standing behind them.
overheard by chris.
Posted by
William Couch
1:06 AM
At the hospital:
Posted by
William Couch
1:53 PM
Welcome Overheard Everywhere readers!
This morning, I got an email from Morgan Friedman, the guy behind Overheard in New York, and co-author of Overheard in New York (the book), alerting me that a quote from this site would be published on Overheard Everywhere - a blog that aggregates quotes from other Overheard blogs.
From: (Morgan Friedman)
Subject: Your Overheard Everywhere quote
will be published today
Hi ,
The quote you submitted to Overheard Everywhere
will be published today. Look for it on the site!
Thanks for eavesdropping! Let me know if you
overhear anything else funny, or if you have
any questions.
Morgan (and the rest of Team Overheard)
The quote they chose (I didn't actually submit it - one of their scouts must have found it) was published just moments ago (original post: "skunk nipples"). Thanks, Morgan and the rest of the Overheard crew!
Again, keep your ears open, and keep the submissions coming!
Posted by
William Couch
5:40 PM
Outside Mason Hall:
"Oh yeah, we were just talking about that yesterday: how you drive better when you're fucked up."
overheard by mike.
Posted by
William Couch
4:02 PM
On S. University.
Frat Boy 2: Uh. . .how is that stepping it down, exactly?
Frat Boy 1: I dunno, I just think cocaine is more practical.
overheard by amy.
Posted by
William Couch
3:48 PM
3 girls walking out of fraternity house late at night.
Girl #1: "Well, if someone's gonna get laid tonight, I guess it's gonna be Emily."
overheard by aaron.
Posted by
William Couch
2:28 PM
Girl on cell phone on diag: "Just throw it out the window, Mom, just throw it out the window."
overheard by aaron.
Posted by
William Couch
2:27 PM
via your normal email application
via text messaging. New!
Add overheardina2@gmail.com to your phone's contacts and send in quotes as you hear them!
Any information (names, emails, phone numbers) provided to the owners of this site will not be used or sold for any other purpose than to communicate with this site. Unless a linked or full-name credit is requested, only first names (but no other personal information) will be revealed in submitting a quote. If you would prefer to remain anonymous in the post, please specify so in your submission.
If you have any questions or concerns, please email us at overheardina2@gmail.com.