Because Kurt Russell is the Lord
at Cafe Conxion, South Quad:
guy 1: "Let's see Grindhouse."
guy 2: "What's that about?"
guy 1: "Jesus."
The best conversation snippets heard in A2, from campus to Kerrytown.
at Cafe Conxion, South Quad:
guy 1: "Let's see Grindhouse."
guy 2: "What's that about?"
guy 1: "Jesus."
Posted by
William Couch
1:00 PM
rendezvous cafe
Manager trying to sound hip to her worker after hearing of his job-related stress: "I feel with you"
Posted by
Mike H.
10:07 PM
Guy 1 (on the phone): I'm pretty sure we both have AIDS
Guy 2 (walking next to the guy on the phone): I get $1000 if I have AIDS
overheard by andrew.
see also:
Posted by
William Couch
1:02 AM
on anthro 101 ctools chat page... it was in the midst of a bunch of people freaking out about the exam...
random dude #1 (10:16 PM EDT) is the gurung generosity question true or false?
random dude #1 (10:21 PM EDT) what is Nayar?
random dude #2 (10:26 PM EDT) the Nayar are a caste from India that have a sort of extended family's like the opposite of a nuclear family
random dude #1 (10:28 PM EDT) thanks
guy (10:35 PM EDT) nayar
guy (10:35 PM EDT) is based on matrilineal descent as well
girl (10:37 PM EDT) why does this (name removed) kid keep leaving random words like Nayar or honor?
guy (10:40 PM EDT) toolbag...youre the one typing it into my computer
guy (10:40 PM EDT) and i tried to redeem myself last time by adding what the nayar were
girl (10:43 PM EDT) honor
guy (10:44 PM EDT) we're not friends anymore
guy (10:44 PM EDT) you can make your own study guide
random girl (10:49 PM EDT) ok, anyone know whats important for 'World System' or the African Slave trade?
random girl (10:49 PM EDT) i don't remember him talking much about that
overheard (online) by anonymous.
Posted by
William Couch
12:59 AM
at a table, at the Jug:
Girl to guy: "Well, the jokes on you because I have syphilis."
Guy: ...
Rest of Table: [laughter]
Posted by
William Couch
9:11 PM
East Quad's cafeteria is a gold mine. Then again, East Quad is in general. All of these were heard in a matter of 15 minutes:
Guy: "Something was very shady about my parents' I've convinced myself my mom's a lesbian."
Girl: "Is there some other TV show on tonight that we can have a study session to?"
Girl 1: "I have to do a debate about gay marriage and was assigned against gay marriage. Like, how do you argue that?"
Girl 2: "Use the Bible shit."
Girl 1: "I don't know the Bible."
Guy: "See? Exercise makes you shorter, Paul. Don't do it."
Posted by
William Couch
9:27 PM
on State St.
frat guy to sorority girl: "People like you are why sites like Overheard in Ann Arbor exist."
not overheard.
Posted by
William Couch
3:32 AM
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